Howdy and welcome to my store! What do you do when you’ve conquered every frontier in the indie music world and helped shape the entire punk rock landscape? Well, there are always recreational distractions (see album cover), but there is also the notion that you go back to your roots. For NOFX’s Fat Mike that meant teaming up with one of his favorite, albeit lesser known, punk rock acts, The Spits, to release a split 7”. Made up of four tracks (two from each band), the split exhibits the straight forward gritty sound that got NOFX where they are today, alongside the trademark fuzz-laden garage punk The Spits are (marginally) famous for. The bands got so “involved” with the cover art that they forgot to give the 7” an actual name. Whoops. Oh well, in the end it doesn’t really matter. See, the 7” is going to be a one time only limited vinyl pressing (no digital), so, whether it has a title or not, people are gonna be losing their stuff trying to get their hands on a copy. You’d be wise to do the same.

Record Condition: This record is brand new and unplayed!

Check out my other auctions for tons of other great items and save on shipping (only $2 shipping for each additional 7", CD or DVD!).