Yang style Tai Chi TaijiQuan of 8 Circulative Postures by Fu Shengyuan DVD



Yang-style Taiji Quan of 8 Circulative Postures by Fu Shengyuan DVD

8 Postures of Yang-style Taiji Quan is also called 8 Postures of Circulative Taiji Quan. It is created by teacher Fu ShengYuan for the beginners and the persons who lack time to study it. 8 Postures Taiji Quan as its name suggests that it has 8 postures. The set routine is short and there are few movements. Easy to study,it makes beginners experience as soon as possible that taijiquan's movements are incessant and one posture runs through another one. The main point of the movement is natural and smooth,the advantage of this set routine is that the conversion and joining are ingenious. It is incessant and circulative from the starting form to the left brushing aside the knee and inverse stance.You can practice it once or for times in a circular way. Only if the body feels good you can practice it more times.


Lecturer: Fu Shengyuan Fu Qingquan Fu Zhongwen
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese






Fu Zhongwen (1903-1994) was a respected Tai Chi Chuan teacher and author. From an early age, he had been a disciple of Yang Ch'eng-fu, and later a family member as he married Zou Kuei Cheng, the great-granddaughter of Yang Chien Hou.

Fu Zhongwen was born in Yongnian, Hebei province. As a child, he would watch people practise Tai Chi and imitate their moves before beginning his training with Master Yang Chengfu at the young age of 9. Zhongwen’s personal diligence and application in learning Tai Chi Chuan saw him advance rapidly in the knowledge and expertise of Tai Chi.

As Zhongwen matured, he accompanied Yang in his travels around China from Wuhan to Guangzhou, demonstrating Tai Chi and helping to teach along the way. Yang Chengfu would teach and Zhongwen would demonstrate. Fu Zhongwen would often accept challenges from other martial artists, not once failing to uphold his master's honour.

Fu Zhongwen was often called upon by his master to represent him in push hands competitions and he earned the reputation of being an undefeatable opponent. So highly regarded was he by his peers, that Yang's first disciple Chen Wei Ming wrote a letter to him after Chengfu's death, acknowledging the excellence of Zhongwen's accomplishment and the accuracy with which he reflected their master’s art.

In 1944, Fu Zhongwen founded the Yongnian Tai Chi Association in order to carry on the work of his master in spreading Tai Chi Chuan to all people. When he founded the Yongnian Association, he selected diligence, perseverance, respect, and sincerity as their motto. Fu Zhongwen lived his life according to the above motto. The reason he chose Yongnian as the name was because Yong Nian in Chinese means longevity - the main purpose of establishing the association was to teach Tai Chi, allowing the people to benefit from practicing Tai Chi to live longer.

In 1959, the PRC featured Fu Zhongwen’s Tai Chi sabre in its international sports publication. The PRC also published his book, entitled "Yang Family Tai Chi Chuan" in 1963.

In 1972, the Tongji University in Shanghai carried out a scientific research on the therapeutic value of Tai Chi on patients with Fu Zhongwen and his son Fu Sheng Yuan as instructors. After 3 months, the results achieved with some medical conditions including heart diseases, spleen dysfunction, arthritis and insomnia. This propelled the Ministry of Sports to officially recognize the therapeutic value of Tai Chi.

Fu Zhongwen was the type of man who was willing to teach Tai Chi to whom ever wanted to learn for free; the only benefit to him was the knowledge that people were doing Tai Chi and gaining health from it. Fu Zhongwen is a true legacy in the Tai Chi world.

Fu Zhongwen had dedicated his life to practicing and teaching Tai Chi. He was voted as one of the One Hundred Living Treasures of China and it was a great loss to the martial arts world and a greater loss to his family when he died in Shanghai at an age of 92.







Fu Sheng Yuan (1931- )is the son of Fu Zhong Wen and Zou Kuei Cheng, who was the great grand daughter of Yang Chien Hou.


Fu Sheng Yuan began his training at a very young age and following in his father's footsteps he began his training at the age of 9, under the watchful eye of his father, Fu Sheng Yuan also master the skills of Tai Chi. He had the added advantage of not only being born in a Wushu family, but was also a member of the Yang family.

He has been a Tai Chi instructor and a sports coach at the Tonji University, Shanghai College of Economics, Shanghai Institute of Chemical Engineering and Ching-Wu Association. Master Fu has also been a referee on a number of occasions in International Martial Art Competitions.

Yang Cheng FU's wish was for Fu Zhong Wen to pass on the family art of Tai Chi to the world, since that time he had worked tirelessly to promote Tai Chi in China. Due to restrictions on traveling out of china at that time, Fu Zhong Wen was unable to fulfill his master's wish of spreading Tai Chi to the rest of the world. In 1989 Fu Sheng Yuan and his family immigrated to Perth, Australia.

When Fu sheng Yuan and his family arrived in Perth they were welcomed by the ex Prime Minister Bob Hawke. Since living in Perth he has established the Fu Sheng Yuan Tai Chi Academy.

Fu Sheng Yuan has continued his father's legacy of spreading the art of Tai Chi to the world with Perth Australia as his central base. Fu Sheng Yuan is continually invited to teach all over the world.

He was fortunate to see and learn from his father's kung fu brothers. Training with the experts has enriched his experience and understanding of the art immensely.

Recently Fu Sheng Yuan and his son James (Qing Quan) Fu took part in a Grading examinations. This examinations was for all Martial Artists and the grading covers all styles.

Master Fu Sheng Yuan was the only person outside China to be awarded by the Chinese Wushu Association with the Grading of 8th Dan (Silver Dragon Badge) and James Fu his son was awarded with a 6th Dan (Gold Tiger Badge). James Fu has since achieved a 7th Dan grading.

Master Fu Sheng Yuan was also awarded a certificate appointing him "China Wushu Rank System Liasisoner of Overseas Development Committee Member". This authorises Master Fu to organise and officiate in Wushu competitions and grading examinations internationally for the Chinese Wushu Association.

Master Fu was also honoured by the Chinese Wushu Association with a life time achievement award for his contribution in promoting Tai Chi around the world . The association presented him with a certificate and a Gold Cup acknowledging his hard work in traveling around the world teaching Tai Chi and promoting the Chinese Martial Arts Culture.

Fu Sheng Yuan is currently the president of the World Yong Nian Tai Chi Federation and Fu Sheng Yuan International Tai Chi Academy. 
