Justice Lush, Sir Robert Lush

Catégorie : CDV > portraits > Hommes politiques
Année : Circa 1860
Type : CDV, tirage albuminé, 6 x 10.5 cm, vintage albumen print
Format (cm): 6,5x10,5

Vintage CDV albumen carte de visite;
Sir Robert Lush (1807–1881) was an English judge who served on many Commissions and Committees of Judges.
Born at Shaftesbury, he was educated at Gray's Inn before being called to the Bar in 1840. He earned a reputation as a sound and acute barrister, specially familiar with procedure. He was appointed QC in 1857, and was immediately elected a Bencher of Gray's Inn. He became a Justice of the Queen's Bench and was knighted in 1865; he was sworn a member of the Privy Council in 1879.
He married in 1839, Elizabeth Ann, the eldest daughter of Rev Christopher Woollacott, of London. They had several children, including Judge Herbert W. Lush-Wilson, K.C., and Charles Montague Lush, K.C. (1853-1930), who married Margaret Abbie Locock, fourth daughter of Charles Brodie Locock. In 1913 he sentenced Emmeline Pankhurst. who served on many Commissions and Committees of Judges.

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