Large 8x8 inch Wedding Day Card with Envelope
For Gay Same Sex Marriage/Civil Ceremony

Available for son and son in law or special couple
 (We can make this in any colour of your choice - please ask) 
Photos show white and silver or royal blue and silver or gold and black options
(If no colour is requested we will make it the same as photo 1 shown in white and silver)

Please enter the personalistion details, colour theme required and verse choice in the box at the top of this page
or send via ebay email contact seller
We will acknowledge receipt of your order once we receive it.

You can choose a verse from the options below or we can leave blank if you prefer
If no verse is selected or a request for it to be left blank we will print "Congratulations" inside.

Verse 1
(For Son & Son in Law from two parents)

Today (Name), as you walk down the aisle
You'll see all the faces wearing a smile
But as we remember those young tender years
Our smiles will conceal a few hidden tears
They're not tears of sorrow, but tears full of joy
As we’re thinking back to our dear little boy
And now you have grown and made us so proud
As you smile for the camera and the rest of the crowd
Remember dear (Name) as you and (Name) become one
On this wonderful day of happiness, laughter and fun
We’re not losing a son, we are gaining another
So as you start your new life in the arms of each other
Be blissfully happy and enjoy your 'Big Day'
Have a wonderful marriage with love all the way

Verse 2
(For Son & Son in Law from one parent)

Today (Name), as you walk down the aisle
You'll see all the faces wearing a smile
But as I remember those young tender years
My smile will conceal a few hidden tears
They're not tears of sorrow, but tears full of joy
As I'm thinking back to my dear little boy
And now you have grown and made me so proud
As you smile for the camera and the rest of the crowd
Remember dear (Name) as you and (Name) become one
On this wonderful day of happiness, laughter and fun
I'm not losing a son, I am gaining another
So as you start your new life in the arms of each other
Be blissfully happy and enjoy your 'Big Day'
Have a wonderful marriage with love all the way

Verse 3

You're a very special couple 
You make the perfect pair
This brings a wish for happiness
In the future you will share.

Verse 4

It's your Wedding Day 
So perfect and fine, 
With your family and friends round you 
To have a good time. 
And we wish you much happiness 
Starting your lives as one, 
Always give love to each other 
With lots of laughter and fun 

Verse 5

May you always feel as close as you do this day.
May your lives be graced with good health.
May you always find happiness in your home,
and may it be a refuge from the storms of life.
May your love grow ever stronger as you share
your lives together, and may your future be even
more wonderful than you dreamed possible

Verse 6

Good luck! Congratulations!
Best wishes! Cheers! Well done!
The futures full of promise and
Its only just begun
You're starting on a journey
A new, exciting life
Together, as a partnership
Adventures, thrills and choices
Are waiting just for you
The road will have some turnings
And perhaps a bump or two
But you’ll be strong together
You’ll come through every test
Your love will deepen week by week
Be Happy All the best