This Sheridan Style Pattern Pack includes patterns for over 40 unique Sheridan Style flowers plus sheets of patterns for a variety of leaves, swirls and buds. A total of 16 pages of Sheridan Style Carving ideas are included in the pack.

Chan is a master when it comes to Sheridan Style Carving and he has spent his life in and around Sheridan, Wyoming where this style of carving was born.

Please note that all pages (excluding the cover) are in black & white. While some of the pages may appear faded and have a photocopy look to them, this is the same package of patterns as distributed by Chan Geer himself. This is not a bound book, but rather a collection of pages in a resealable bag.

This product is available as either a physical copy or a digital download. The physical copy will be shipped via USPS while the digital download will be a PDF file delivered online.