Instructor's name:  Linda Wooldridge

Type of Workout: Total Body

Fitness Level: Intermediate

Equipment Needed:  Mat, light dumbbells, chair

Total Running Time:  134 Minutes

Manufacture Year: 2016

Region:  0 (Worldwide, REGION FREE, Suitable for ALL DVD players)


Resistance band Abs, Resistance Band Lower Mat, Resistance Band Upper Body and Total Body Flow with Band all on one DVD to help you tone and tighten your entire body.


Resistance Band Abs (26 mins): Shape up your midsection with this innovative standing and floor abdominal workout. Twist, tighten and tone your obliques, lower abs and hips to reveal the streamlined tummy you always wanted.

Resistance band Lower Mat (43 mins): Sleek thighs and tight butt guaranteed with this band burner. All you need is a mat and a pilates/exercise band and you can do this workout anytime anywhere. You choose your intensity, but make sure your challenge yourself every time so that you increase your strength and get the results you are after!

Resistance Band Upper Body (23 mins): Create sleek definition in your upper body using a resistance band in place of traditional weights. The band allows you to adjust the tension so that you are able to feel the burn and get the most out of each exercise.

Total Body Flow with Band (42 mins): Get ready to burn fat and tone your muscles with this 42 minute total body resistance band workout. Combining upper and lower body movements allows you to build co-ordination and balance all the whilst burning lots of calories and challenging your strength.

About the instructor: Hi, I'm Linda - creator of Barlates Body Blitz. I have worked in the diet and fitness industry as an instructor and personal trainer for most of my career and have created close to 300 workout videos to bring my passion for exercise to you! My desire is to help you sculpt a strong, healthy body with a fusion of barre, Pilates, yoga as well as more traditional cardio + toning exercises. So what are you waiting for? Let's go work out together!

What is Barlates Body Blitz: Barlates is a fusion style workout that borrows from pilates, barre, ballet, yoga and more traditional cardio and toning. The idea was to create a workout, which flows seamlessly from one move into the next using the principles of isotension and high repetitions to build long, lean muscles. By using a lighter weight with high repetitions the exercises are designed to target all of those underused smaller muscle groups resulting in a defined, lengthened dancer's physique. This is a real girls workout in the sense that it is fun and feminine, but don't get me wrong it is still super intense with a big burn factor! The workouts are designed to be mixed and matched with an array of 20-30 minute upper body, lower body, abdominal and total body workouts that can be strung together for a longer session or done individually if you are short on time. These workouts will hit all those trouble spots and best of all you don't even need to wear shoes to do them! Get ready to sweat, puff and burn - hopefully you'll love every minute of it! Click on the link to read more about Barlates Body Blitz!

5 STARS -  No nonsense terrific workout
I had rotator cuff surgery and could not exercise my upper body for six months. I bought this to get myself back in shape and I think it will. This DVD is exactly what I need, no nonsense, no fancy studio or loud music, just a lot of reps with a resistance band. There are 4 workouts: Abs 26 minutes, lower body 43 minutes, upper body 23 minutes, and total body 42 minutes. You work the same side of your body continuously for several exercises before switching to the other side. As a result, you can really feel the burn.

There were a couple of exercises I was unable to do, perhaps due to my lack of strength at the moment, with my 5.5 feet band. So I will buy a longer strap to see if it will solve my problem.

If you are serious about getting in shape, I think this DVD will help you get there.

5 STARS -  Well Done!!
Well done! Effective and great, straightforward presentation... very happy with purchase and will get other DVD's in this series.

5 STARS -  Easy to follow, great workout!!!
New to the use of resistance band fitness, I appreciate the variations and pace of this video. It helped me get the idea of how to get a good core workout, and I like how it incorporates strength and stretching together. I have had to adjust the pace down a bit as I'm 50+ and not so stretchy anymore, but I may be again soon!!

5 STARS -  Feeling the burn!
Love this instructor!! Challenging and fun workouts!! My favorite series in this DVD is the lower body mat workout because of the sequence of going from the smaller to larger muscle groups really challenges me! Will be purchasing more from this instructor.

5 STARS -  Simply the best!!!!!!
I'm so thrilled to be the first person to review these workouts as I just recentlly discovered Linda's workouts because of a reviewer named Leanne who seems to enjoy the same workouts as me!I hope that my review can help someone who hasn't discovered Barlates yet!I am almost 50 and an avid excerciser-I love the Dream Body and Tonique workouts but sometimes they are a little fast moving or high impact for me.I used to use Cathe Friedrich and Kelly Coffee Meyer DVD's but noticed I looked bulky during that time.I recentlly fell in love with Barre style workouts and lighter weights,which is what Barlates is all about.I feel every muscle in my body being used and the workouts are not easy by any means,but they also don't stress my joints.I also notice a huge difference in my body-I've slimmed down while toning up and unlike punishing,high impact workouts,I look forward to these!I love how Linda's DVD's are split into segments so I can customize my workouts according to how much time or energy I have.I also love how Linda is like the girl next door who you'd love to have coffee with!!What I love is that she reaches out to her fans-when I tried my very first dvd by her it used a timer which terrified my rescue dog."Total fitness DVD's"which is where I purchased it reached out to Linda and she contacted me within hours to let me know which of her DVDs used the timer-I now own all the ones that don't!She remembered my situation and reached out to me again to say her newest DVD used the timer.Because she is so considerate of her fans I had to leave a review!!I hope to continue a long workout relationship with her!!

Please Note: These are high quality, Sony DVD-R.



Hi, my name is Linda and I have been a fitness enthusiast all my life! I have worked with nutrition and personal training for many years and I love helping people reach their exercise and weight loss goals! I have worked in the diet and fitness industry in one form or another for my entire career amongst which, I owned a personal training business, which eventually turned into Workout DVD World! I instructed barre style workout classes twice a week in my home town of Perth, Western Australia, and then progressed to creating an ever-growing video library of my own fusion style workouts, under the banner of Barlates Body Blitz, which can be purchased through the Barlates Body Blitz of my Ebay store. 

I have tried gyms and outdoor Boot Camps, but I definitely prefer to exercise in the comfort of my own home. That way you can workout without having to worry about anyone watching you! It also means you have no excuse not to exercise, cause you don’t have to waste time driving anywhere! I have over 200 workout dvds in my collection and am constantly adding to them.

The great thing is that you never outgrow workout DVDs! As your fitness level increases you can either buy a more advanced DVD or simply add some dumbbells and/or ankle weights to your favorite cardio workouts to make them more intense! The fact is that the moves that really work rarely change! I even have some old Cindy Crawford videos from the 80s, which are just as effective as some of the latest DVDs on the market. 

I take my workout DVDs with me where ever I go. I went on holiday to Europe, and you guessed it, I had at least 10 workout DVDs packed in my bag! With most you need surprisingly little room so you can even do it in a small hotel room. If you have a laptop or portable DVD player you are set to workout anywhere!

It is my favourite hobby – and a pretty healthy one I think! I am sure once you buy your first workout DVD you will never look back and you will definitely want more and more! So if you are about to enter the wonderful world of working out at home then I will be all too happy to try and source whichever DVDs you want to add to your collection! 

I also love giving advice, so keep the questions coming! I look forward to hearing from you, and in the mean time, happy shopping!
