VINTAGE 1937  READY TO SERVE MOVIE STILL 8" X 10" PHOTOGRAPH FROM THE ESTATE OF  PRODUCER Maurice H. Zouary..   I BOUGHT THE ENTIRE ESTATE OF Maurice H. Zouary. THIS AND OTHER MOVIE MEMORABILIA IS FROM HIS PERSONAL COLLECTION. ..Maurice H. Zouary , film and television producer ,American film and television producer. Named to Honorary Order of Kentucky Colonels..Zouary, Maurice H. was born on July 17, 1921. Son of Ellie Louis and Marie Louise Zouary. Student, New York School Industrial Art & Design, 1939. General assistant Randforce Amusement Theatre, New York City, 1936-1939, Translux Theatre Circuit, New York City, 1940-1942. Arts and media Buchanan Advertising, 1944-1947. Designer Egmont Arens Industrial Design, 1947-1949.

Producer television programs for various television shows New York and Hollywood, California, 1949-1951. Writer of film commercials Grey Advertising Agency, New York City, 1951-1954. Founder Filmvideo Releasing Corporation, 1957, producer, since 1957.

Consultant NBC and Columbia Broadcasting System, since 1960. President television National Releasing Corporation, since 1976. Program consultant, managing director Movietronics Corporation America, since 2000.

Executive vice president Movietronics Corporation American, Inc. Lecturer on history of motion picture sound to various colleges, since 1968.Producer: (semi-documentary film) Martin Luther*Rebel Priest. Author: Kids Eye Views of the News. Author, writer, producer (documentary) Destruction of a Genius.

Author: Stories for the Young and Older, DeForest: Father of the Electronic Revolution, The Legend of Marie from Brooklyn. Co-author: First Sound of Movies. Contributor articles on pioneering of DeForest's synchronized sound on film, on history of entertainment as relates to communication media.

Subject of books including The Silent Clowns (Walker Kerr), The Birth of the Talkies (Geduld), Reminiscing with Sissle and Blake (Robert Kimball), The Fleischer Story (Leslie Cabarga).
United States Naval Reserve, 1942-1943, C.E., United States Army, 1942-1944. Fellow Radio Club American (life, Lee DeForest award). Member National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, International Radio and television Society, National Association television Program Executives, The DeForest Pioneers (award 1976), The Motion Picture Pioneers, National Society of Scribes (named Master Calligraphic Artist), Art Students League of New York (life).Please see pictures.. . ALL ITEMS ON MY SITE ARE GUARANTEE TO BE 100% VINTAGE, AND NOT REPRODUCTIONS. Please email me if you have any questions, thank you.</