Actual Combat Yong Chun Wing Chun Shoulder Hand Foot Elbow & Knee Techniques DVD




Actual Combat In Traditional Yong Chun Quan: Training Of Shoulder-Hand, Foot, Elbow And Knee Techniques by Mai Yaoming DVD

Shoulder-Hand Technique utilizes the structure of the body; it is practiced with the theory of the midline and angle, direction and turning with the application of force. It demands the exertion of some boxing techniques where softness overcomes hardness, attacks and defense, applying and destroying force, or counterattacking.

Foot techniques include defense and attacking skills. They defend against the opponent's attacks with the feet, and counterattack with a tiger-tail foot after dodging. It refines lower-body technique, the speed of the feet when springing out, accuracy in position of applied force and more.

Elbow and Knee technique routines utilize the waist and horse stance to exert the full power of the knee and elbow, and combine with foot techniques. Elbow and Knee technique can be used to startling effect in combat when managed proficiently.

Lecturer: Mai Yaoming
Format: DVD
Language Speaking: Chinese
Subtitle: English/Chinese 
