XtremeAuto™ SIGNAL BLOCKING POUCH: Protect your car from unauthorised remote access

How does the XtremeAuto™ Signal Blocking Pouch Work?

The XtremeAuto™ Pouch utilises a Faraday Cage constructed from our Dual Weave Nano Technology. A Faraday Cage is a structure that blocks the passage of radio signals from passing through it.

As you are no doubt aware, thieves are now using key amplification technology to remotely unlock your vehicle and steal it. This only takes thieves a few seconds and the media reports that criminals are now using this as their preferred method for stealing vehicles.
Putting your vehicles keyless fobs into one of our pouches makes it impossible for thieves to exploit this signal.
Designed to hold your key fob and a small bunch of keys.

One problem- one pouch:

Extensive compatibility:

Our XtremeAuto™ Signal Blocking Pouch has been extensively tested in the UK and is compatible with over 99% of all remote key fobs. You will receive 1 pouche allowing you to protect multiple vehicles in your household