SILVERBAND - Trap for Silverfish 2pcs

Description: One sided adhesive strip that is folded into a triangular shape - the inside surfaces are coated with a non-toxic and environmentally safe glue which efficiently catches and holds silverfishes.

Product benefits: The trap can be easily used everywhere the silverfishes can be found – for example: in dark and damp spaces such are food stores, pantries, bathrooms and toilets and others. The trap is free of insecticides and non-toxic. The glue doesn’t dry out so it is effective until the surface is full of insects.

How to use it: Use is very easy. Remove the protective paper from the adhesive strip and place the trap in the shape of a house and place it in place of the expected occurrence of pests. The efficiency of the trap is higher when the bottom of the trap is adjacent to the floor. This will facilitate the access of the ponds to the trap area.

215 x 60cm, effective area size: 60x72mm

1pc ...........      EAN: 859 4021 2510 43 ............2 pcs packed in a plastic sachet
3pcs..........  3x EAN: 859 4021 2510 43 ............2 pcs packed in a plastic sachet
10pcs.........10x EAN: 859 4021 2510 43 ............2 pcs packed in a plastic sachet 

Brand Moudry CZ– it is the one of the biggest producer of fly catchers, insects traps on the world.