VINTAGE 1960's THE PREACHER MEETS BIG MAMA COMIC BOOK BY BLACK AFRICAN CARTOON ARTIST RUDY SEYMOUR...FOUND ON THE NET THIS INFO.. The first local comic books most Guyanese have read were done by Rudy Seamour, how many books he did is still unaccounted for. What is significant with Graphic story telling in the late 60's and 70.s was the self sensorship that had to exist, to be published. The main character of Seymour's book was the Preacher, this character would chase folk lore characters like Big Mama, the Watah Mama [ Mami Wata in other Caribbean and South American countries], these folk characters were identified as the Devil's own, The paradox of that was that the poor residents of the villages and crowded townships had a different inner perspective to the 'Spiritual Moduh's'  with their mystical viel's and sometimes effective herbal remedies, one such mystic was a good friend of my mother and the lore and its definitions were common discourse, the evil characters of Seymour's books were not that easily defined and condemned to darkness. But like the American film maker who dared not portray the ancient africans of Kemet [Egypt] as they were, and still expect to have success at the Box Offices of the segregated America of the day, likewise,Rudy Seymour couldn't get published if his hero was a folk mystic fighting earthbound spirits, the hundreds of Churches that saturated the Guyanese consciousness would have buried him. When i did the Elder in the eighties as a comic strip in the Guyana Chronicle, the story was popular but a family of Cartoonists wrote unsigned letters whish did'nt interfere with my knowing who they were, stating that i was implying Occult doctrine to public media. The fact is to the Village mystic, the Luciferic principle is their enemy too and that was where the conflict began, in the pages of the Elder. I was breaking an orthrodox social mould using the effective method of Graphics. MEASURES 5-1/2" X 7" .Please see pictures.. . ALL ITEMS ON MY SITE ARE GUARANTEE TO BE 100% VINTAGE, AND NOT REPRODUCTIONS. Please email me if you have any questions, thank you..