Sauternes-white wine bottle labels

Ex shop stock item-never been used.

You are invited to bid for 6 brand new  Sauternes  wine bottle labels.

A simple but attractive label of yellow & gold depicting a silhouetted castle with words "Sauternes" and underneath in french "Produit et emboouteille chez soi" which roughly translates as "made and bottled by myself" 

These are not sticky backed so just apply wall paper paste or a pritt stick to the back of each label before sticking to wine bottle.

Postage discount: 

Postage discount: Pay full postage on first item only. Remaining label packs go free.

Label stock still available;
Aniseed Mist, Beaujolais, Bilberry, Brown ale, Chocolate Mint  Liqueur, Coconut rum liqueur, Coltsfoot, Dark Rum, Hock, Liebsteiner, Lieberfraumilch, Merlot, Mild, Moselle, Rasberry, Reisling, Strawberry, Tea, Sauturnes, Scotch Whisky, Sparkling Rose, Sparkling White, Vermouth Bianco, Whiskora special, Whisky Liquer, White Rum