MCM is described as, "Ostentatious and Flashy". The 1980s saw some general intrigue in MCM, but it wasn't until 1993 that it really reached its apex with 250 branches, worldwide. Started by [M]chael [C]romer of [M]unich, Germany as a clothing label, 1993 was an acme year for MCM. Yet in 1995, Cromer's alleged tax-evasion revelation effectuated a loss of faith in Cromer from his business' investing foundation. It remained dormant and extant, to some extent, thereafter. 1997 saw the reconstruction of MCM, but vintage MCM, post-1993 had a sustained underground appeal. Collectors abound recalled how "cool" MCM was with the various approaches to how to put MCM on EVERYTHING. From MCM 'Members Only' jackets to luggage, to golf bags, MCM was a collectors delight. In 1997, Mara Cromer, Michael's Wife, split up the trademark rights in the use of the logo in her hair salons.
2005, the SungJoo group of South Korea assumed the rights to MCM and re-lauched the line to what is seen today. 

Size: 130-20-120

Generic Case Included