Romerturm Brief Brevier 22 Letters by Famous People Goethe Planck Bismarck &c

Romerturm Brief-Brevier

Publisher, City, Copyright Date:

    Poensgen & Heyer, Koln, Germany Circa 1958


    Twenty-two letters written by famous people; Small booklet of introduction to the letters; List of letters; All housed in an illustrated paper folder; All text is in GERMAN.


    Letters, booklet and list are in Fine Condition; Folder is in Good Condition with rubbing to the surface; Former owner names in ink on the inside dated 1958 and on the back cover.


    Letters by Napolean, Benjamin Franklin, Goethe, Planck, Bismarck, Luther, Brahms, Schiller, Schumann, Menzel, Nietzsche and many more!

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