No Crack!No Glue Injection!No Dyed!100% Natural Hetian Jade! 

With National Gem&Jade Identification Certificate!


Material: Hetian White Jade/White Nephrite Jade

Place of production: Xinjiang,China

Size: 52x32.5x12mm(without string necklace)

Weight: 31.5g(without string necklace)

The Meaning of Cicada

1. The cicada is a sacred spirit in Chinese peoples mind, because they only feed on dew, so they are implied pure, high, psychic and gentleman.

2. In Chinese culture, it also means set the Thames on fire, it never rains but it pours, because after surviving underground for a long period of time it emerges and flies into the sky, so it is a symbol of through the resembles effort finally to be success in career.

3. In Chinese cicada is Chan, it has the same annunciation of the world which means twine, so it has a meanings of tie myriads of strings of cash around the waist and love lingering love.  

4. Cicada also known as Zhi Liao in Chinese, Zhi is the same world of the Chinese world which means content, so it has the meaning of happiness lies in contentment.

5. The another name Zhi Liao also has the same world of the Chinese world which means know, so it has the meaning of having foresight.

6. Is a symbol of rebirth, immortality and tenacity. 

Hetian Jade

Hetian jade is one of the Four Famous Jade in China, which produced in Hetian(Hotan) in Xinjiang. It is the highest-quality nephrite jade, which is made up of tremolite. Hetian jade has a very long history in China, for the Chinese, the value of fine jade is higher than that of gold. Its beginnings can be traced back to Qin Dynasty(221-207 B.C.) and Chinese ancient mythology, has been used extensively since the time of the Ming Dynasty (1364-1644).

Today, jade has become one of the most popular materials in the world, prized by those from both the Far East and the West,but, it has become increasingly rare over recent decades, since most jade mines have been overworked and supplies are dwindling due to sources becoming exhausted.

In terms of quality, the more tremolite there is the better quality the jade. Tremolite is transparent, when it forms into ores, most of them are creamy white. However, except creamy white, Hetian jade also comes in about other different colors: white-green, green, dark-green, black, red-brown and yellow. Such diversity is caused by the volcanic eruptions. There's no tremolite on Earth's crust. Streams of lava which contain tremolite will mix with minerals when they flow from the volcano. Then the creamy white pure tremolite will turn into dark green with increasing mineral content. 

Hetian Jade is categorized into mountain material and seed material. The one which is excavated directly from the mountains is called mountain material. On the other hand, seed material means the stone of mountain material flows into river and is scoured and rubbed by river water for a long time. As a result, the surface of seed material is more round and smooth. The finest quality jade from Hetian has a buttery luster and creamy color like no other jade on earth. After a period of wearing and fondle, it can become more high glossy, smoothly, oily and pretty.  

Benefits of Hetian Jade

Hetian jade has the meaning and properties to:

1.Build up luck: it is popular as a gemstone to realize dreams and wishes. It gives the power according to the strength of the wish given out by the owner. It is versatile amulet corresponding to ‘fortune luck’, ‘love luck’ and ‘health luck’. The owner will be able to earn the happiness the owner wants.

2.Good for your health: it can clear the meridians and help to enhance blood circulation. It is excellent for the five internal organs: heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. It also helpful to the bones and joints.

3.Ensure the safety, security and peace: people believe it can exorcise evil spirits. Also it is  the best talismans which can avoid the interfere from negative energy, keep bad luck and villain away from the owner.

4.Prevent emotions from being disturbed: it is healing stone that holds the power to keep calm. It is also used when you want to be released from negative energy such as tension and anxiety. You will regain usual daily life. 

5.Bring out the owner’s potential to the utmost: you will gain the necessary power to achieve your purpose. It is effective also when you want to make a big plan succeed. It prevent you from being caught in the current frame. 

6.Make the most of the unforeseen opportunities: it is a gemstone to reduce failures and increase successes. It will support you to accumulate steadily. It continues to support you until it ultimately gets big success.