The Art of War and Other Classics of Eastern Thought

Product Details:
  • ISBN-13: 9781435146211
  • Publisher: Bantam Books
  • Publication date: 8/12/2013
  • Pages: 760
  • Product dimensions: 6.58(w) x 9.5(h) x 1.80(d)
  • Product Condition: Brand New. Factory Sealed. Gift condition.
  • Package Information: This book will be packaged in Brand New Box of size 10x8x2 in 24 hours.


The Art of War by the Chinese general Sun Tzu is one of the most influential books of military strategy ever written. For more than 2,000 years, its aphoristic insights and wisdom have been aplied in a wide variety of disciplines, ranging from the business and legal professions to the martial arts and sports.
The Art Other and Other Classics of Eastern Thought collects Sun Tzu's classic text and six other landmark books of Eastern philosophy and learning, including the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu, The Works of Mencius, and the Confucian Analects,  Doctrine of the Mean, and Great Learning of Confucius.