John Kasper

Catégorie : Actualité Internationale 40-7 > Presse Magazine international
Année : Circa 1957
Type : Tirage argentique
Format (cm): 15x17

Vintage silver print,
John Kasper (1929–1998 was an American far-right activist and Ku Klux Klan member who took a militant stand against racial integration during the civil rights movement.
Educated at Columbia University, Kasper became a devotee of Ezra Pound and corresponded with him as a student. Between 1950 and 1963 Kasper sent 400 letters to Pound and received an unknown number of replies (Pound's letters to Kasper are lost). In the letters Kasper identifies with Pound and within a short time of beginning the correspondence he considered himself Pound's main disciple. Directed by Pound, Kasper started a small press (Square Dollar Press) in 1951 to publish works the poet favored; in 1953 he opened the Make it New bookshop in Greenwich Village, displaying Pound's letters in the shop window. Kasper campaigned against racial integration in the South, calling it a Jewish plot. In these activities and others, Kasper believed he was disseminating the poet's ideas. Pound's association with Kasper caused chagrin among those who were attempting to have Pound released from St. Elizabeths Hospital where he was incarcerated on charges of treason.

After running a bookshop in Greenwich Village he moved to Washington, DC, where he befriended Pound and set up a company to publish the poet's works, as well as those of others such as Charles Olson. Imbibing Pound's right-wing ideas, he formed the Seaboard White Citizens Council immediately after Brown v. Board of Education in order to prevent desegregation in Washington.

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