Cheeky Mouse Themed Small Chunky Notebook with Sticky Notes Perfect Gift 

We just love this small chunky handy animal themed Notebook with Sticky Notes that will easily fit into a pocket or bag.

The Notebook is Hard Backed with a matt finish on the cover and is just adorable.

When closed the notebook measures approximately: 85mm long x 65mm wide x 25mm thick (3.5" x 2.5" x 1.0").

Perfect as a gift at anytime or to 'First Foot' someone in the New Year or just spoil yourself.

Thank you for looking but before you go......

Check out our Rodents & Small Pets  section in our ebay shop where you will find a variety of your breeds themed products


you will also find a wide range of other dog breeds and other animals including cats, aquatic, wild animals, countryside, birds, insects, horses etc our shop.

Thank you from Tailz Gifts