Cleopatra: Riddle of the Tomb

Egypt's destiny is in your hands...A vicious battle between Cleopatra and Ptolemy, her brother, breaks out for the throne of Egypt and the Queen has crucial choices to make about the fate of her kingdom.  You are Thomas, a young apprentice astrologer, charged by Cleopatra to find Akkad and his daughter Iris, kidnapped by mysterious men while working on a prophecy for Cleopatra.  Embark on a breathtaking adventure through Alexandria and its stunning monuments as you experience Egypt's power struggles and torments.

  • Will you be able to turn the trust of Cleopatra?

  • Discover Ancient Egypt's mythical sites - Alexandria's Lighthouse and Library, all reproduced with perfect historical accuracy

  • Choose your character's astrological sign and discover how it influences your adventure.  Select a different sign for another playing experience

  • Numerous puzzles and enigmas based on Ancient Egyptian culture and sciences

  • Interact with an array of interesting characters in amazing photorealistic environments


Rated "T" for Teen

DVD-ROM Software for Windows 2000/Me/XP/Vista