Bell, Book and Candle [New Blu-ray]

Title: Bell, Book and Candle

Format: Blu-ray

Label: Sony

Genre: Comedy Video

UPC: 043396564053

Release Date: 2020

Meet Gillan Holroyd (Kim Novak), Greenwich Village's most seductive sorceress. Powerful, glamorous, and a wee bit bored, Gillian knows that witches can't fall in love. But they can have fun... especially if their lover belongs to another woman! So when Gillian discovers handsome new neighbor Shep Henderson (James Stewart) is the fiance of an old college nemesis (Janice Rule), she promptly puts the befuddled publisher under her spell. But while her sex hex may have heated up Shep's heart, it has also unthawed her own, leading to a romantic complication that not even Pyewacket, Gillian's mind-reading cat, could have foreseen. Presented in eye popping Technicolor transfer that beautifully captures James Wong Howe's stunning cinematography, BELL, BOOK and CANDLE co-starring Jack Lemmon, Ernie Kovacs, Hermione Gingold and Elsa Lanchester is a delightful spoof on witchcraft with the cast members at their very best. - The Motion Picture Guide

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