BPI A-HD Elite + Solid Combo Stack 30 Capsules Each Promotes Testosterone Levels and Muscularity – The Unique Ingredient Profile of A-HD ELITE is Backed By Research And is Designed to Support a Healthy Anabolic State, As Well As Promote Testosterone Levels And Muscularity. Advanced Body-Fat Deconstructing Agent – SOLID Contains Naturally-Occurring Compounds Specifically Designed to Get You Contest Ready. Build Lean Muscle And Strength – The A-HD/SOLID Stack is Formulated to Put Your Body In an Optimal State for Muscle Growth, Strength Gains, Balanced Testosterone Levels, Increased Libido And Lower Body Fat Levels. Promote a leaner, more muscular physique while increasing your libido with the A-HD ELITE/SOLID stack. A-HD ELITE is a powerful testosterone supporting agent designed to promote testosterone levels and muscularity. SOLID is an advanced body-fat deconstructing agent. Together, the A-HD ELITE/SOLID stack is formulated to put your body in an optimal state for muscle growth, strength gains and lower body fat levels. Plus, both formulas are ultra-concentrated, so you only need one small dose a day to experience all the benefits.