Cari Zalloni, the brains behind the the illustrious Cazal line holds rank with some of the greats in eyewear creation; so many styles, throughout the 1980s-early 2000s. 

Beginning in 1960, Vienna where he studied, it wasn't until 1962 that he began designing. First in Siena, Italy to design furniture. Then, shifting to Germany to design decorative glass. It wasn't until 1975 that Cazal was incepted. Combining CA[ri] Zal[loni], and with the financing of an entrepreneur by the name of Gunter Bottacher, Cazal found its wheelhouse as a great revolutionizer. From then 'til upon his death in 2012, the man produced designs that every eyewear aficionado adores. There isn't one collector that doesn't possess a favorite of the Cazal universe. Frankly, those favorites usually stem in the 1980s.

Zalloni designs personified the NYC hiphop scene with styles that were fit to match an appearance unique to that era and culture. Various series found such suit and remain en vogue to this day!

!!!A rare Cazal style!!!


Made in Germany (late 1980s/early 1990s)

Size: 60-45-120

(145mm overall width)

Cazal Cloth Case included