

Manufacturer Part Number1 987 301 040
Voltage [V]12
Rated Power [W]60/55
Bulb TypeH4
Socket TypeP43t
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Before purchasing, please, pay attention to item Tech Data and check Reference Numbers section. Make sure that one of these reference numbers does coincide with the number of your previous part or does replace your Original Equipment Number.
Surely, in case you doubt in fitment, cannot find the number of your previous part listed in Reference Numbers section, or just cannot be sure about item compatibility with your vehicle, we are here to assist you from Monday to Friday (excluding weekends, but still we will get in touch on Monday). Let's avoid compatibility issues, returns, and get great shopping experience ever!

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ATTENTION! Our listings tech data details are provided from official manufacturers' tech data sources. It is highly recommended to verify fitment with our dedicated support before ordering

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Standard Post Shipping takes up from 6 to 12 days to deliver in Europe and 12-31 days to America or Australia.
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Attention all ! Use engines info and vehicle YMM compatibility chart for general guide. To avoid any kind of misfitment, when you doubt in compatibility, or cannot find the correct item, please, contact Parts4Car tech support before purchasing. Strictly important to provide VIN along with your detailed request since there can be different options for your car specific tech characteristics.

The VIN (a 17-character number (digits and capital letters )can be found by looking at the dashboard on the driver's side of the vehicle or on the driver's side door and look at the door post .

Reference Numbers

BOSCH 1 987 301 040 3165143282380 V GNU GGE GAL AVL ALL GFR GGR T GNR AAL ABL WGR GBG GB4 GBC E BNG AVF GAF AWF ABFT WFVT FVD GFJ AFF J5 J3 GFBT FBD AFL GAA GU ANL BNC GAE F3L F5L ALD UDS UNS ALF AVA AWA AFD 964 T85 T92 U92 J89 V88 A 22 J82 V87 S83 M92 31-34 41-44 35 36 45 46 71 U99 29 APV 343 345 344 464 445 944 644 645 945 782 744 704 764 855 854 875 876 745 765 P245 P242 P244 482 U2 ECP B/C53 B29 TXX T1 T3 T4 T2 PXX P6 P JD FD D53 853 J/S63 T5 T6 T7 BA0/1 L53 LA0/1 KA0/1 EA0/1 L42 K48 B48 TXW B/C40 L48 B/C37 F40 G40 J11 S37 S53 S48 S40 ED/HD/UD 8C5 B4 89 89Q 8A B3 4A2 C4 44 44Q C3 8B 4A5 81 85 B2 8L1 8C2 8G7 1H5 7M8 7M9 7M6 86 86C 80 17 155 16 86CF 19E 1G2 165 32B 53I 3A2 35I 14 53B 1H2 3A5 33B 6V5 6V2 9K9A 3B2 9K9B P11 N14 E24 K260 A32 C22 N13 T72 T12 U12 T30 V10 Z31 B11 W260 N12 M10 NM10 B12 N15 M11 P10 HC 23 N16 WP11 Y60 K10 VN10 N10 S14 S13 Y61 GR D22 D21 Y10 J30 JC32 W10 B13 S12 C23 W160 MK MQ GQ KC120 XW XS XE XH XP RF RJ K7 K9 PA DA D2_A H6_W H7_W QA N1_W N2_W DG_A C1_A RB RC CB_W CD_W CC CE C5_A RD RE C6_A C1_V C3_V C7_A CA CB E1_A E3_A HG HH A18_A JA JB D0_V/W UA UB UC L04_G L14_G NA NB NC ND NE NF NG P0_V P1_V P_2V SF SG SH SJ WA P0_W P1_W P2_W V2_W V4_W V3_W NH NJ NK NL F2_A F1_A CA_A N3_W N4_W UF E5_A E7_A E8_A HJ CB_A CD_A CE_A K90 V6_W V7_W NM NP N9_W N8_W UG EA CJ CP CJ-CP K3_T K2_T K1_T K0_T ME MF MG MH MJ M3 T19 N KZN1 VZN1 E8 LXH1 RZH1 LH1 J4 J8 J6 J7 T17 T16 E9 N1 E8B AE86 YH7 LH6 LH7 LH5 YH5 YH6 R1 R2 SW2 P8 H1 H2 XM1 P7 E7 L1 L2 V2 A7 AW1 AL2 T18 EL54 P9 T20 A1 J9 E11 N2 XB- MA ZA- 230 230L X1 X2 230P U6U BS BT BY BZ BU BV BW BX 222 ZCT 741A/C 741B 20D 20A/C 581A 581M 581E 3C 3A 290P 290L 15E 1A 1C 7A 7C N3 N5 7D 7B 4B 4E 10C 10A 224 581D 15B 551A 280P 280L 223 7E 551D 1 7 220 178 146 147 176 132 141 154 160 159 290 127 138 128 835 834 156 831 836 BB RA GH EJ EK GA SB HS KA BA AM AK AU MB EU EP EV CF MC EC ED EE EG SS SL WC AL AJ AG AH SY AC AD AB AF AS EH AN AR HW CD BG GC GFC GF BH BC BJF JMA MS G3X BD KAD 905 905A 907A 907B 162B 162 164 920 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