Cleans and straightens condenser and evaporator fins. Six sided head makes this tool 6 in 1 for multiple applications. fin densities: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 15 fins per inch .
HVAC Tool Condenser Evaporator Fin SS Wire Comb Straightener Cleaner Any Density

You are looking at a new
AC Condenser And Evaporator Fin Comb Straightener Cleaner. Wire Comb, Any density.


Bended or deformed fins or dirty fins reduce the air flow and reduce the efficiency of the system, increase the high side pressure and add waring to the compressor. this tool is designed to help to relieve these situations.

this comb is used to Clean and straighten condenser and evaporator fins.
a simple "must-have" tool for HVAC professionals
Wire comb for any and all fin densities
Note: The user has to be careful while applying force to the fins, too much power may make the bended fins worse, practice before using it on a real job.

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