Big Foot Himalayan Salt Sports Candy is a hard candy that is formulated with Himalayan Pink Salt, which offers great health benefits. Formulated with Himalayan Pink Salt which contains the same 84 natural minerals and elements found in the human body.

Made with the natural Himalayan Salt, this new sports candy comes in really handy should your body need some extra sodium after an intense workout. It?s refreshing minty flavour is also ideal for anyone who needs a minty fresh breath after lunch or before a meeting or something refreshing on hot day. The extra cool sensation of the hard candy also soothes the throat at the same time.

?The Himalaya Salt Sports Candy comes in a convenient packaging on the go. It must be emphasised that the sports candy is not a health supplement but rather a handy ?pick me up? when you need some extra healthy natural salt and glucose after a good workout,?