NB: All our waist beads are handmade in the UK (London) by House of HT|We do all sizes from 25inches  to 57inches.Both Screw on or Tie on waist beads(Inbox me your size|

HT screw on Waist Beads or Tie on waist beads(Small Sparkling Gold beads)

Our screw on waist beads are easy to wear.

Suitable for all body types.

HT beads helps women to watch and control your waist. Traditional ways of knowing you are gaining weight or losing weight.

History of HT waist beads.

Waist beads has been worn for generations in African from when the child is born to accentuate and mold women's physique and great way of fleeing ultra feminine.

HT Care Instructions of our waist beads.
It is perfectly fine to bath, shower, swim, exercise, if you wish to take them off you can do so and store them in a jewellery box
Do not handle, greasy, perfumed or soiled hands.