Each Kit Includes..

Lots of Training Audios Videos on an exclusive page ONLY for buyers of the kit. - This is a complete rare System. Lots of training will be added regularly and includes lots of general rare information on Dragons at no extra cost.

Dragon Amulet empowered to you personally with your photo on one side and Dragon Sigil on the other.

Our exclusive Wrist Laser Energy Transfer Tool "injects" Dragon energy directly into your consciousness for fast powerful connect. With Spiritual Lasers that "push" energies into your Third Eye And Crown Chakra for profound empowerment and wisdom fast.

For a primitive power connection we provide REAL dinosaur bones of several types. These are REAL not replicas. Connect with these when you need RAW power for fighting or destroying evil illnesses.
You are given Three common earth based Dragon symbols. Chinese Golden, Viking and the classic Red Dragon Western image. All draw in earth based Dragon energies and are specially charged by IGOS.
A Special Dragon Stone. A stone of many types that holds the wisdom of the universe. Can you access it's great power and wisdom? Are you worthy. Let the Stone decide.
A bottle of Dragon's Blood oil. Known for it's protective abilities. Many uses detailed in the training.
Super Rare Dragon Tooth Crystal only found in the deserts of the Southwest.
Dragon Money, Alligator Teeth and more!

Dragon power will enhance ANY system you are using! Place Crystal and Amulet in your Tri-force System for "super empowerment". Use any place any time with other amulets to increase their energies. The uses are unlimited for this RAW power of the universe. When you need RAW POWER to conquer the greatest problems in your life - CALL ON DRAGON POWER TO HELP! IT MAY DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!! You will have this raw power with you at all time with your M.E.C. TECH amulet. Some call it their personal "hand grenade".

Besides the Ultimate Tri-force System, this is the most powerful Tool we offer. Never Be Without It!Dragons are Inter-dimensional God-like beings. Coming from the primordial beginnings of the universe. There is so much wrong information about Dragons it is hard to know where to start. Dragons were never evil and in Asian beliefs they are the bringers of good fortune and luck. Misunderstood in modern times as the "serpent" of evil by the Christian West. Evil was never a Dragon it was a large serpent. Serpent Dragon started to be used together to mean evil. Further complicated by the poor description European languages offer.

Dragons have been in existence for millions of years throughout the universe. Every earth-like cultural has a Dragon lore and they are worshiped in their many forms. Dragons always guarded their "treasure". Seen as physical wealth by the common minded, the real "treasure" is the millions of years of wisdom and empowerment they offer. This "treasure" can be accessed and used if you have the right Tools made by a Gnosis based Order or person. It is critical to connect to the "stream" of power to work with this energy. Only the proper Tool connects you to the Stream of empowerment. Dragons are entities not to be toyed with or commanded like a higher or lower spirit. They are "beyond" Gods transcending time and space as they travel through the entire universe at the blink of an eye. Dragons are never slain. Only their inferior serpent cousins and distance ancestors the dinosaurs perish. The true Dragon lives forever traveling the universe growing in power and knowledge.

Dragons rarely assist you directly. They allow you to connect to their "powers wisdom" through a unique energy contact only those very wise and chosen know. This is the ONLY way of contacting and access their empowerment. They have little use for the common in the universe and only allow extraordinary wise shamans contact if they choose and feel you are worthy of it. Dragons enjoy interacting with different species in the universe. Dragons prefer to allow you to access their "powers" at that moments of need.

Of course, there are the common "treasure" energies of the material world they often help with. The usual material and human things you carve for. Love, Money, Influence, Control, Healing and destruction of your enemies... The truly wise and advanced Gnosis student seeks that unique wisdom ONLY the Dragon possesses. A dark almost fearful wisdom of perfect intergalactic true with abilities to "see" realms you never imaged or dreamed of. For those truly "connected" with this energy the Dragon often guides them at death, to a new state of being that is unable to be explained in common language. Dragons are amused that they been labelled as evil by the most evil themselves. It is even more amusing that you think they care..

?This rarest of the rare kit, gives you all the ancient and futuristic tools to make strong contact with the "stream of Dragon power". This kit allows anyone to "basically" contact this empowerment and draw that energy into their life to make serious changes. You draw the energy in and use it in your life as you need it. Dragons do not generally help directly, they are NOT your servant! They help empower you, in your life. They are part of the ultimate powers of the universe. The power of creation and destruction. You create a friendly connection to the Dragon Energy and than use it as needed. The Kit offers complete instructions in audios videos. The process is easy with the custom made Dragon empowered amulet with your photo on one side and the Dragon power on the other. This starts as soon as the amulet is empowered to you. As you wear and bind with the M.E.C. Tech Dragon energy you will start to feel the awesome energy of a Dragon. Warriors have used these in the past to create a "dragon state of berserk". In fights others actual saw images of dragons forming around the person using the amulet. This is a dangerous state and an advanced practice for those practicing martial arts of some sort. Controlling this state is difficult. This state, when controlled can "kill" disease and be projected at enemies. First, you connect and control.

Custom made to order requires about 10-20 business days to manufacturer.
Shipping takes about 3-5 business days

All told, the time between printing, shipping and delivery is approx. 10-12 business days.

Orders from customers outside the United states can expect a longer delivery time.