Item Title


length : 64mm×37mm
weight : 460g
Hammer slot : 23 x 10
Tenryu's hammer is made by a Japanese manufacturer called Kakui.

All products are handmade by blacksmiths.

It is famous as a high-class hammer that can be easily obtained in Japan.

There are various types of Japanese hammers.
This hammer is named "Dharma Hammer".

This round shape is heavy for the size of the head.

This shape makes it harder to feel the weight when using it.

And because the surface is wider than other hammers of the same weight, it is easier to hit the nail.

And Japanese hammers have two sides, a rounded side and a flat side, respectively.

First, the nail is driven using a flat surface, and finally, the material is driven with a round surface that does not easily damage the material, which has the role of cleaning the finish.

The feature of Tenryu Hammer is that both sides of the hammer head are hardened to a thickness of 3mm, and the main body is not hardened.

This makes it difficult for the impact to be transmitted to your hand.

Hammer Head only
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Tenryu Daruma Kasumi 300g Tenryu Daruma Kasumi 375g Tenryu Daruma Kasumi 460g
Tenryu Daruma Kasumi 570g Tenryu Daruma Black 300g Tenryu Daruma Black 375g
Tenryu Daruma Black 460g Tenryu Daruma Black 750g Tenryu Square  Black 675g
Tenryu Square Daruma 675g
Hammer handle
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