
  • 24 Monate Garantie!
  • Preis inkl. 19% MwSt.
  • 70kg Aluminium.
  • Hochwertiges PVC Leder
  • Hohe Belastbarkeit! Bis zu 250kg
  • Über 30 verschiedene Modelle!
  • Sofort Versanad.

EUR 1.349,00
inkl. Mehrwertsteuer

Wer einen echten Barber Stuhl sucht, der muss auf John Barber & Sons setzen! Das Unternehmen aus Deutschland was bereits seit 1997 echte Barbieren & anderen Professionals dient. 24 Monate Garantie! Kundenberatung täglich unter 040/32898078

Dreams are precious, if you see a barber chair in your dream, then it has to look like this. This barber chair is for daydreamers who make their dreams come true. John once had a very precious dream, he wanted to offer the greatest variety for barber chairs in the world. I think we made this dream come true. Now it’s about you, we hope that this chair will also make your dreams come true.