LUNA the GODDESS of the
designed by Oberon Zell 

crafted in top quality sterling silver by Peter Stone 

 "Bright Lady of the Silver Wheel."

The Moon Goddess has many names:
 Arionrhod, Luna and Selene. 
This is Oberon's interpretation of the Lady of the Moon
in Her Maiden guise
The Moon is of great significance in Wicca and Paganism,

It has always been associated with the feminine side due to its cyclic nature
and it is represented by the colour silver.

The pendant is stamped on the back with Oberon Zell's trademark.
diameter 35mm Sterling Silver Pendant 
weight 12.74gm

NB: Pendants are sold without chains. 

To ensure the quality of his product,  Peter purchases raw silver and produces
the true .925 alloy in his own factory. 
All rings are cast to size and craftsmen cut and inlay each stone for a perfect fit.
Every piece of jewelry created is hand polished, not tumble polished.
The difference is noticeably visible and shows the care and pride taken
in each individual piece