Neha Fast Colour is easy to use and gives beautiful instant results. Make intricate patterns easily with applicator inbuild in neha fast color tube cap, It gets dry in just 15 minutes and you are all set to attend weddings or festival celebration. The result is beautiful dark designs without waiting for hours. It is available in tube format. Perfect for All Occasions like Weddings, Parties, Ceremonies & festivals like Karwachauth, Bhaidooj, Rakshabandhan, Diwali, Holi, Teej & many more. Each cone contains 25 g of ready to use fast color. Neha fast color is a perfect product that works like a jewel on the body. Every woman loves to adorn her hands and feet. Neha Fast Color makes drawing designs easy. Neha Fast color are thus most popular way of applying as they are quick, convenient and easy to use. The Fast color tube are leakproof & can easily be carry. How To Use :.Remove the cape with applicator on tip of the tube, apply your favorite design, leave for 10-15 minutes & you are all set to go with beautiful