Get this great collection of street photography by award-winning photographer Mike Burman. Features 52 images in both color and B/W. The book is softcover and in an 8.5 inch square format. All copies signed by the photographer/artist. With his degree in photojournalism Burman sets out to prove successful street photography is possible in cities much smaller than the historically larger cities where street photography usually takes place. His cover image "Follow the Leader" was a finalist in an international street photography competition held by "Digital Photo Magazine". The image was also on display at a street photography exhibit at Vestige Gallery in Pittsburgh. Free shipping to CONUS! Check out Volume Two here:

LawManMoon wrote: "The beautiful photography in this book truly highlights perspectives, framing and capturing everyday scenes in surprising and artistic ways. It’s easy to take a photo of a beautiful subject, but it takes a trained eye and real skill to reveal the beauty that often lies in the ordinary. This will definitely help me improve my own photography."

StacyJean wrote: "
This book is an engaging invitation to view everyday life in a way that surprises & delights. In an age of easy disconnection, the photos in this work, provoke the wonder available in being present in our current surroundings. The images are beautiful, sometimes haunting, and left me wanting to step into the image - to talk with the people or walk in that place."

Barbara from Wisconsin wrote: "Being an artist myself I found many of the images thought provoking and stirring up my imagination. Each image has a story of its own behind it, and each viewer may interpret it in his own way. I really liked the unique compositions and the use of window reflections. I would certainly recommend this book to those who want a different perspective on street life."