Microgreens are packed with nutrients. Microgreens are also a great source of beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants. What's more, their nutrient content is concentrated, which means that they often contain higher vitamin, mineral and antioxidant levels than the same quantity of mature greens.

Benefits of Microgreens

·   Rich in nutrients

·   Help to reduce heart disease risk.

·   May help fight with cancer.

·   Help to boost immune system.

·   Reduced Constipation.

·   Antioxidant content

·   Help against digestive ailments.

·   Help to reduce Cholesterol level

·   Improve you overall wellbeing

Bright & Spicy Mix (500 Seeds)

Contains: Pak Choi Golden Yellow, Pak Choi Canton White, Tatsoi, Mizuna, Mustard Red Frills and Mustard Red Zest.

Lettuce Mesclun Mix (500 Seeds)

Contains: Lettuces Little Gem, Tango, Red Batavia, Green Batavia, Cerbiatta, Red Salad Bowl.

Mustard Mix (500 Seeds)

Contains Mustards: Pizzo, Red Lace, Red Zest, Red Lion, Green Frills.

Oriental Mix (500 Seeds)

Pak Choi White, Pak Choi purple, Mustards (Pizzo, Red Lace, Red Zest, Red Lion, Green Frills). 

Beetroot Mix /Rainbow (300 Seeds)

contains Detroit Red, Chioggia, White Albino & Golden Detroit.

English Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Mustard Red Giant 600 Seeds, Broccoli 3000 Seeds

Japanese Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Mustard Wasabi 1500 Seeds, Radish China Rose 2000 Seeds

Italian Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Rocket 2000 Seeds, Chive Garlic 500 Seeds

Asian Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Coriander 1500 Seeds, Radish Rambo 800 Seeds

Indian Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Coriander 1500 Seeds, Fennel 650 Seeds

Exotic Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Nasturtium 50 Seeds, Shiso Red 300 Seeds, 

Sweet Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Sunflower 500 Seeds, Shiso Green 300 Seeds, 

Salad Leaf Mix

Green Stem, White Stem, Golden Yellow and Red Leaf Pak Choi.

British Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Rocket 2000, Mizuna Green 1000 Seeds, 

Citrus Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Basil Lemon 300 Seeds, Balm Lemon 750 Seeds

Everyday Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Broccoli 3000 Seeds, Kale Black (Nero Di Toscana)  800 Seeds

All Red Mix

Swiss chard Red 125 Seeds, Beetroot Bulls Blood 100, Red Cabbage 2000 Seeds 

All Green Mix

Peashoots 200 Seeds, Sunflower 500 Seeds and Broccoli 2000 Seeds

Basil 4 Verities

Basil Lemon – 300 Seeds

Basil Red – 800 Seeds

Basil Sweet - 3000 Seeds

Basil Thai – 800 Seeds

4 Assorted Verities

Micro Broccoli - 3000 seeds.
Micro Kale Nero Di Tuscana - 800 seeds.
Micro Lettuce Bowl Red - 1000 seeds.
Micro Watercress - 4000 seeds.

Assorted Verities

Micro Broccoli - 3000 seeds.
Micro Kale Nero Di Tuscana - 800 seeds.
Micro Lettuce Bowl Red - 1000 seeds.
Micro Mizun Red - 3000 Seeds.
Micro Mustard Cress - 3500 Seeds 
Micro Watercress - 4000 seeds.

Assorted Verities

Micro Basil Sweet - 3000 Seeds
Micro Broccoli - 3000 seeds.
Micro Kale Nero Di Tuscana - 800 seeds.
Micro Lettuce Bowl Red - 1000 seeds.
Micro Mizun Red - 3000 Seeds.
Micro Mustard Cress - 3500 Seeds 
Micro Pak Choi - 1000 Seeds
Micro Watercress - 4000 seeds.

10 Assorted Verities

Micro Basil Sweet - 3000 Seeds
Micro Broccoli - 3000 seeds.
Micro Cabbage Red - 2000 Seeds
Micro Celery Cress - 3500 Seeds
Micro Kale Nero Di Tuscana - 800 seeds.
Micro Lettuce Bowl Red - 1000 seeds.
Micro Mizun Red - 3000 Seeds.
Micro Mustard Cress - 3500 Seeds 
Micro Pak Choi - 1000 Seeds
Micro Watercress - 4000 seeds.

Packaging& Delivery

Seeds will be packed in clear re sealable bags.


All parcels sent with Royal Mail Standard First Class. Normal delivery time is 1-2 working days. Please feel free to contact us if you do not receive your package after proposed delivery day. 


Please Note: Parcel does not require signature upon delivery.




All unused seeds are returnable as long as they comply with ebay’s and our return policies.