Refreshing aromatic herbal tea.


Thyme herb, Peppermint leaves, St. John’s Wort herb, Crab-apple fruit

Usage and purpose

Ready to use. Leave the filter bag for 3-5 minutes in 250 ml of hot to boiling water.


Do not overdose! This product could not replace regular nutrition.


Store in dry, ventilated place, protected from direct sun light, inaccessible for children.


All the information related to the prophylactic and curative effects, all the dosage recommendations of the herbs provided by this website are based on the prescriptions and instructions given from the herbs grower companies and individual herbalists. Most of them do not have medical or pharmacological education. All their knowledge rested on the experience and family tradition they and their forefathers gathered throughout hundreds of years. With this regard, this website do not pretend to offer qualified treatment of any disease, therefore do not take responsibility for taking herbs bought from us.

We do not recommend to replace qualified medical treatment with any product bought from this website. In most cases it is recommended to use herbs as concomitant therapy to the one prescribed by a doctor.

We strongly recommend to address all your queries in terms of usage and dosage of our herbs to your nearest qualified herbalist who is member of your local professional organization of herbalists or phytotherapists, with appropriate insurance.

It is recommended to avoid usage of herbs during pregnancy, also to be given to babies and children, unless it is strictly prescribed by your nearest qualified herbalist or phytotherapist, with knowledge and acceptance of your GP.