JOSERA Cat Culinesse 2 X 4.4lbs (9,98 €/ KG)

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Is your adult cat a little gourmet?

JOSERA Culinesse with fine salmon and salmon oil is just the thing for discerning velvet paws.

Due to the balanced recipe, JOSERA Culinesse is highly digestible and particularly tasty.

»With delicious salmon and exquisite salmon oil for real gourmets
»With moderate fat content, ideal for adult cats (indoor and outdoor)
»Valuable fatty acids from salmon oil, vitamins and trace elements ensure healthy skin and a shiny coat
»A pH value in the urine of 6.0 - 6.5 is promoted and can counteract the formation of urinary stones

JOSERA Culinesse is the ideal food for adult cats who are little gourmets.

A pH value in the urine of 6.0 - 6.5 is promoted and can thus counteract the formation of certain urinary stones.

It goes without saying that no artificial colors, aromas or preservatives were added.


Dried poultry protein; Rice; Whole grain corn; Greaves; Beet fiber; Poultry fat; dried salmon 6.0%; hydrolyzed poultry protein; Minerals; dried poultry liver; Salmon oil 0.50%


Nutritional physiological additives:

24,000 IU vitamin A, 1,800 IU vitamin D3, 220 mg vitamin E, 15 mg vitamin B1, 20 mg vitamin B2, 20 mg vitamin B6, 100 mcg vitamin B12, 50 mg pantothenic acid, 90 mg niacin, 5 mg folic acid, 1,000 mcg biotin , 1,500 mg taurine, 175 mg iron (iron (II) sulfate, monohydrate), 150 mg zinc (glycine zinc chelate, hydrate), 15 mg manganese (manganese (II) oxide), 18 mg copper (glycine Copper chelate, hydrate), 1.80 mg iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous), 0.25 mg selenium (sodium selenite)

Analytical components:

Protein 31.0%, fat content 13.0%, crude fiber 2.2%, crude ash 6.9%, calcium 1.30%, phosphorus 1.05%, magnesium 0.10%, sodium (%) 0.4% , Potassium (%) 0.6%, energy (MJ) 15.6, energy (kcal) 3735

Weight catFeed amount 
2 - 3 kg30 - 45 g
3 - 4 kg45 - 60 g
4 - 5 kg60 - 80 g
5 - 7 kg80-105 g
7-10 kg105-135 g

Always offer your cat fresh drinking water.

Dried poultry protein; Rice; Whole grain corn; Greaves; Beet fiber; Poultry fat; dried salmon 6.0%; hydrolyzed poultry protein; Minerals; dried poultry liver; Salmon oil 0.50% 24,000 IU vitamin A, 1,800 IU vitamin D3, 220 mg vitamin E, 15 mg vitamin B1, 20 mg vitamin B2, 20 mg vitamin B6, 100 mcg vitamin B12, 50 mg pantothenic acid, 90 mg niacin, 5 mg folic acid, 1,000 mcg biotin , 1,500 mg taurine, 175 mg iron (iron (II) sulfate, monohydrate), 150 mg zinc (glycine zinc chelate, hydrate), 15 mg manganese (manganese (II) oxide), 18 mg copper (glycine Copper chelate, hydrate), 1.80 mg iodine (calcium iodate, anhydrous), 0.25 mg selenium (sodium selenite) Protein 31.0%, fat content 13.0%, crude fiber 2.2%, crude ash 6.9%, calcium 1.30%, phosphorus 1.05%, magnesium 0.10%, sodium (%) 0.4% , Pot
Angebotspaket Nein
Katzenalter Adult
EAN 4032254749158
Produktlinie Josera Cat
Hauptzutat Lachs
Maßeinheit kg
Modifizierter Artikel Nein
Herstellernummer 50007762
Eigenschaften pH-Wert im Urin von 6,0-6,5 wird gefördert
Eigenschaften kann der Harnsteinbildung entgegenwirken
Eigenschaften Wertvolle Fettsäuren, Vitamine und Spurenelemente
Eigenschaften für eine gesunde Haut und glänzendes Fell
Eigenschaften mit erlesenem Lachsöl
Eigenschaften für echte Feinschmecker
Eigenschaften Mit moderatem Fettgehalt
Eigenschaften mit wertvollen Fettsäuren
Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland
Anzahl der Einheiten 4
Produktart Trockenfutter