Castor Oil

100% Pure | Natural
Cold Pressed | Organic
Hexane Free | No Additives | USP Grade
Premium Quality | Grade A
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Castor oil is a natural emollient and a few drops may also be used to remedy dry skin, as a massage oil, and may benefit hair as a treatment. 
Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid, a fatty acid that comprises about 90% of the oil.
The fatty acids that make up castor oil are believed to be extremely nourishing to the skin. Many people report that with regular application, castor oil has helped them to grow thicker, longer eyelashes and eyebrows.

Castor oil is a boon when it comes to Skin Problems like sunburn, acne, dry skin and stretch marks. 
It also helps evade infections like warts, boils, athlete’s foot and chronic itching. To treat problems like sunburn, warts, yeast infections, fungal infections or acne.

Helps with Skin Problems, Wrinkles & Fine Lines, Acne, Moisturizer, Fade Scars, Stretch Marks.
Promotes Hair Growth, Thickens Eyebrows.
Treats Scalp Infections, Hair Darkening.
Ingredient(s): Pure Organic Castor Oil.
Castor oil provides quality protection for your skin and keeps it healthy.
For external use only; not for consumption.