“Yesterday’s Children” is a science fiction novel by award-winning “hard science” fiction American writer David Gerrold, who also contributed to the original Star Trek TV series as the writer of the famous “The Trouble with Tribbles” episode, wrote episodes of the Star Trek animated series, Star Trek the Next Generation, and wrote several books about the creation and production of the original series. Gerrold originally wrote the story titled “Tomorrow is Yesterday” and submitted it as a Star Trek (original series) episode, involving the USS Enterprise. The Star Trek series producers rejected the story and Gerrold set it aside. In 1972 he rewrote the story to be a space opera adventure novel of his own universe, not part of any Star Trek adventure. In 1979 he rewrote the story again, adding material, and re-released it as a Fawcett Popular Library paperback (this edition) February 1980. Then, in 1985, Gerrold renamed the book “Starhunt” and released it as a prequel to his “Star Wolf” series. The Star Wolf series features space battles more like submarine hunts than dogfights, with ships battling at great distances, unable to see each other. This copy is from that February 1980 first edition paperback release. (Publisher’s I.D.: 0-445-04536-1, 251 pages, originally sold at $1.95.)