We will add, to your order, a money belt or neck stash (described in the book).  Tell us which you'd like.  Both of these are for keeping you money passport and credit cards safe.

Look at the photo of the table of contents to see what is contained in this booklet.

Ray and I have been traveling for a while now and through our trial and errors now have figured out how to keep our money and personal information safe, travel with the least amount of luggage possible and still have a lot of fun. We've been on 6 cruises and several land trips in Europe, mostly. Personally, I've learned what works, and doesn't work, getting on and off trains, traveling over rough terraine, and mostly how to keep my money and identity secure. Yes, there has been mistakes with luggage that is just too heavy,  S
hoes that just don't work, and pick pockets that just want to get at your money! Hopefully our practice will help you have a safe and wonderful experience as you venture out, no matter here at home or out in this great wonderful world of our. Cheers.

Now that cruising has opened up, we are all set to cruise to Alaska and next Spring will do a Panama Canal cruise.

We do use these same basic principles when we tour around the US.

This is a soft covered booklet of 40 pages.  It is easy to read and has pictures explaining what we are talking about.
We talk about what kind of anti-theft bags to carry, and, how to keep you money safe.

You can pay for multiple items at the same time with one payment when you check out.
You can request combined shipping discount by contacting me after you put everything in your cart, and before you pay.
If you have put everything in your cart, the combined shipping may have already been calculated as my settings are set to do combined shipping.  Combined shipping adds the weight of all you items and then calculates the shipping cost.