Make 'Em Laugh! The Speaker's Guide to Communicating With Humor, with Ken Davis, international trainer of communicators. Companion video to the popular Dynamic Communicators video set.

description on the back:

You don't have to be funny to give a good talk. *
*But it sure can't hurt!
Everybody knows that a little humor goes a long way toward winning over audiences and driving home points in appealing and memorable ways. But what if you're not a natural comedian?
  Enter Ken Davis. This best-selling author and standup comic has been in the business for more than 15 years, speaking before millions of people (including young people, youth workers, pastors, and business leaders).
  Load Make 'Em Laugh! into your VCR and get ready for an hour of experienced coaching on using humor in your speaking, delivered in vintage Davis style. Which is to say, you'll be laughing all the way through this video as you learn-

  • Seven tactics for effective use of humor
  • Why humor is important
  • What makes something funny
and much, much more!
  What's best is that Davis practices what he preaches. You won't merely absorb his insight on using humor effectively in your speaking - you'll be laughing too hard and too frequently! Just watch it again, this time with your staff, teachers, or your colleagues.
  Make 'Em Laugh! is an essential training tool for pastors, associate pastors, youth pastors, educators, business and salespeople - all those who want to communicate more effectively.

Founder and president of Dynamic Communications International, Ken Davis has spent the last 15 years teaching communication skills through his highly effective and sought-after workshops. A best-selling author, Ken has appeared on stage and television around the world and has keynoted hundreds of corporate events. "Honestly" he says "I'm a really funny guy."

Ideal for
  • youth workers
  • group leaders
  • pastors
  • professional communicators
  • teachers & educators
  • business executives