Merrithew Massage Ball Combo 2-Pack [New ] 2 Pack

Title: Merrithew Massage Ball Combo 2-Pack


Label: Merrithew

Genre: Gifts

UPC: 690650062338

Release Date: 2017

MERRITHEW Massage Ball Combo 2-pack

Portable and easy-to-use, this lightweight yet sturdy pair of Massage Balls have spiky sensory points that help relieve stress, pain and tension. Improve your blood flow and promote healing by using the Massage Balls on your feet, hands and back, enhancing muscle performance and relaxation. With 2 sizes, address problem areas like feet, shoulders and back, enhancing muscle performance and reducing risk of injury.

Move Bettter by Relieving Knots

Studies have also shown that self-massage can improve range of motion without decreasing muscle force or activation. By breaking up the adhesions in the body, self-massage helps your muscles and connective tissue move more freely and reduces muscle restrictions when you exercise.

Heal Faster with Improved Circulation

Self-massage helps to improve vascular function. By eliminating adhesions that restrict blood and nutrient flow, self-massage keeps your muscles and connective tissue well hydrated and well supplied meaning that you’ll recover from exercise and heal faster.

Boost your Immune System with Lymphatic Stimulation

Your lymphatic system is a major component of your overall immune system which helps to fight infection in the body. The lymph system relies on movement pressure to move the fluid. Self-massage encourages the flow of lymph back to the heart improving its functioning.

A Size for Every Use

For hands, forearms, use the Small Massage Ball. For shoulders, pecs, calves, hamstrings, abdomen, buttocks, upper and lower back, deltoids and neck the Large Massage ball works work best. NOTE: Avoid using Massage Balls if you have acute inflammation, severe bruising or joint pathology. Use of the balls should be pain free, leaving muscles feeling lighter and more relaxed afterward.



Storing & Handling


Diameter (large): 9cm (3.5")

Diameter (small): 7cm (2.7")

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