Geography Made Easy: Being an Abridgement of the American Universal Geography, to which are Prefixed Elements of Geography, for the Use of Schools and Academies in the United States of America, by Jedidiah Morse, D.D., Eighteenth Edition and Sixth of This New Abridgement, Published by Thomas & Andrews, Boston, MA - Ezra Lincoln, Printer, Sept. 1816 - measures 4 1/4" x 6 3/4" - 364 pages - missing frontispiece map of the World.

  • Preface - November, 1814
  • Advertisement to the Eighteenth Edition, Sept. 1816
  • Elements of Geography:
    • Definitions
    • History of Geography and Astronomy
    • The Solar System
    • Comets
    • Fixed Stars
    • Eclipses
    • Doctrine of the Sphere
    • The Globes
    • Problems
    • Maps
    • Natural Divisions of the Earth's surface
    • Component parts of the Earth
    • Volcanoes
    • Earthquakes
    • Magnetism
    • Gravitation
    • Tides
    • The Atmosphere
    • Winds
    • Vapors and Clouds
    • Electricity
    • Light
    • The Harvest Moon
    • Northern Light
    • Heat and Cold
    • Political Divisions of the Earth
    • Inhabitants
    • Forms of Government
    • Religions
    • Of the Divisions of Time
    • Measures
    • Of the Log Line
    • Rain Gage
  • America:
    • North America - with "A Map of North America, from the latest Discoveries, 1806" - 4 1/4" x 8"
    • Russian America
    • Aboriginal America
    • Greenland
    • Labrador and Hudson Bay
    • Interior Countries
    • Northwest Coast
    • Northern Archipelago
    • British America
    • Upper Canada
    • Lower Canada
    • Island of Cape Breton
    • New Brunswick
    • Nova-Scotia
    • Island of St. John's
    • Newfoundland Island
    • The Bermudas or Sommers' Islands
    • The United States
    • District of Maine
    • New Hampshire
    • Vermont
    • Massachusetts
    • Rhode-Island
    • Connecticut
    • New-York
    • New-Jersey
    • Delaware
    • Pennsylvania
    • Ohio
    • Michigan Territory
    • Indiana Territory
    • Illinois Territory
    • Maryland
    • Columbia Territory
    • Virginia
    • Kentucky
    • Tennessee
    • North Carolina
    • South Carolina
    • Georgia
    • Mississippi Territory
    • Louisiana
    • Spanish America
    • Florida
    • Mexico
  • South America:
    • Terra Firma
    • Peru
    • Chili
    • Buenos Ayres
    • Guiana
    • Brazil
    • Amazonia
    • Patagonia
    • South-American Islands
  • West Indies:
    • The Bahama Isles
    • The Antilles
    • The Virgin Isles
    • The Caribbees
  • Europe:
    • Lapland
    • Denmark
    • Sweden
    • Russia
    • Poland
    • Prussia
    • Germany
    • Principal States of Germany
    • Austria
    • Austrian Dominions
    • Great-Britain
    • England
    • Wales
    • Scotland
    • Ireland
    • Smaller British Isles
    • France
    • Netherlands
    • Holland
    • Switzerland
    • Spain
    • Portugal
    • Italy
    • Mediterranean Islands
    • Turkey
    • Islands belonging to the Turkish Empire
  • Asia:
    • Turkey
    • Asiatic Russia
    • Tartary
    • China
    • Thibet
    • Hindoostan
    • India beyond the Ganges
    • Assam
    • The Birman Empire
    • Siam
    • Malacca
    • Laos
    • Cambodia
    • Cochin China
    • Persia
    • Arabia
    • Japan
    • Oriental Islands
  • Africa:
    • Egypt
    • Nubia, Dar-Foor
    • Abyssinia, and the Eastern Coast
    • Southern and Western Coasts
    • States of Barbary
    • Morocco
    • Algiers
    • Tunis
    • Tripoli
    • Barca
    • African Islands
    • Islands of the Pacific Ocean
    • Austral Asia
    • Polynesia
  • Appendix: A Series of Geographical Question