Photo Northumberland Fusiliers memorial, St Thomas Church Barras Newcastle '50's. Photo in good condition slight creasing top left some light handling marks on reverse Size is 6.1/2 x 4.3/4 inch SIR WILLIAM GOSCOMBE JOHN RA (Artist)A B Burton (Founder / Foundry)MESSRS WILLIAM KIRKPATRICK LTD (Mason)CeremonyUnveiledDate: 5 July 1923Attended by: HRH Prince of Wales KGGranite wall with abutting plinth at front and rear, on which is mounted a large group of bronze figures on front face and three granite figures on the rear face. The group at the front is a work entitled 'The Response 1914' and shows soldiers and would-be recruits led by two drummer boys. Intermingled are men and boys carrying tools or rifles in uniform or working clothes. Some of the figures are saying goodbye to their families who are also accompanying the group and others wave. Above, flags are flying and a winged angel figure flies at the front, above the group, sounding a trumpet. On the rear side of the wall is the figure of St George flanked by the figure of a Northumberland Fusilier in the uniform of a First World War soldier and a figure of a Northumberland Fusilier in the uniform of 1674, the year in which the Regiment was raised.Inscription6 O'Clock Face: NON SIBI SED PATRIAE / THE RESPONSE 1914 12 O'Clock Face: QUO FATA VOCANT/ TO COMMEMORATE THE RAISING OF THE B COMPANY / 9TH BATTALION AND THE 16TH, 18TH AND 19TH SERVICE / BATTALIONS, NORTHUMBERLAND FUSILERS, BY THE / NEWCASTLE AND GATESHEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AUGUST - OCTOBER 1914