IWAMA RYU bokken is made in strict accordance with the requirements of the Iwama Ryu school. Heavy and powerful along the entire length of the bokken trains a dynamic grip. Well suited for performing aikido techniques, working off the center line, training the relaxation of the shoulders, strengthening the hands and joints. Performing movement with a bokken well trains the feeling of the center. The tip of the blade is safe square (Kissaki). Bokken has no faces. Ideal for the practice of Iwama Ryu Aikiken. Bokken is processed with natural oil, which protects it from moisture and dirt. Also there are variants of bokken with dark tinting - brown and black.

Length: 103 cm (40.6")
Blade length: 76 cm (30")
Tsuka length: 27 cm (10.6")
Tsuka diameter: 36х25 mm (14"x10")
Deflection: 1.7-2 cm (0.7"-0.8")
Weight: ~ 550-600 g
Material: Robinia wood (White Acacia)

Robinia wood (White Acacia) has high strength characteristics, wear resistance significantly exceeding that of oak and ash. The color of the tree is yellow or olive green, the fibers are straight and sharply noticeable. Acacia shows all its advantages as much as possible, because it can serve for many years, withstanding high loads, without being erased and without losing the original attractiveness of the texture.

* Weapon Stand/Holder is not included.
** The black bokken is treated with a special multilayer black impregnation and oil.