Clearing-nut Tree (Strychnos potatorum) SEEDS 3.5oz 100g Ceylon Free Shipping

Local name:Ingini

Description:Tree, 5-15 m tall, erect; Leaves sessile or subsessile; lamina 4-9.5 (-12) X 2.5- 6.25 cm, ovate to ovate- ell. iptic or ovate- lanceolate, apex acute or more rarely subacute to obtuse, base acute to rounded or obscurely subcordate, glabrous, somewhat glossy, 3-5 veined. Flowers greenish-yellow, slender pedicelled in small, compact axillary, small-bracteate cymes. Fruits 1.25-2 cm diam.,ripening blackish

Ayurvedic usage:
 Treatment for-

  •          Eye disease
  •          Pyelitis
  •          Cystitis
  •          Chronic diarrhoea
  •          Bright’s disease
  •          Strangury


  •          Seed
  •          Fruit