TURKMENISTAN 5 MANAT 1993 UNC MUSICAL COLLEGE,HORN-SHAPED PARTHIAM RHYTON(DRINKING HORN VESSEL)Script: Latin,Lettering:TÜRKMENISTANYÑ MERKEZI DÖWLET BANKY $U BANKNOT TÖLEGLERIÑ ÄHLI GÖRNÜ$LERI ÜÇIN ҰÖREҰÄR BÄ$ MANAT,Translation: Central State Bank of Turkmenistan, This banknote is valid for all types of payments, Five Manat,Reverse:State Emblem, Abu Seyid Mausoleum,Script: Latin,Lettering:TÜRKMENISTANYÑ MERKEZI DÖWLET BANKY TÜRKMENISTANYÑ MERKEZI DÖWLET BANKYNYÑ BANKNOTLARYNY GALP ҰOL BILEN ҰASAMAK KANUN,BOҰUNÇA YZARLANYLҰAR BÄ$ MANAT,Translation:Central State Bank of Turkmenistan All forgereis of the banknotes of the Central State Bank of Turkmenistan is punishable by the law, Five Manat,Watermark:Horse rearing on its hind legs