Everyone has heard of UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects, but how many have heard of UCOs - Unbelievably Cute Objects! Now, cradle cuties from beyond the stars in the palm of your hand with the Out-of-This-World Alien Baby Doll Collection - miniature alien babies meticulously handcrafted of TrueTouch® authentic silicone who are just an itsy-bitsy 4-inches long.

Each miniature silicone alien baby doll in this collection features authentic silicone skin with embedded sparkling glitter and hand-painted details for a look that is truly out of this world. Their soft, silicone skin "gives" under your touch, so you can squeeze those teensy-weensy fingers and toes (four on each tiny hand and foot), and their oh-so-sweet innocent expressions and mirrored eyes seem to coo "hold me" Plus, these silicone alien dolls arrive with pacifiers that can be removed, shimmering cosmic swaddling blankets and cloth diapers.

Alien babies measure 4" L; 10.2 cm L