200pcs 7-12" Catappa Ketapang Indian Almond Leaves Shrimp Betta fish for Ceylon

In South East Asia we use Ketapang leaf Catappa Indian almond leaf in the multiple benefit.-

1. A lot of Tannin for antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

2. Help to reduce the chance of bacterial infections and improve aquarium animals’ health.

3. Help to prevent parasites to come.

4. Help to stimulate reproduction rate of aquarium animal.

5. Relieve aquarium stress of fish and shrimps. Stress is one critical factor which leads to high mortality rate of aquarium animals.

6. Mimic the natural habitat of fish and shrimp. Make them feel like living in their natural environment.

7. Prevents fungus forming on the eggs of fish. Improving survival rate.

8. Help to accelerate the fish beautifully colored fish.

9. Help to adjust the PH of the water.

10. Conditions betta's water for breeding and hardening of scales.

Ketapang leaf Catappa Indian almond leaves is form natural fallen. Our Indian almond leaves must be collected from falling leaves only and leaves was collected within 24 hours.