Overrunning Alternator Pulley 535003910 INA Clutch 5705AA 5705AR 5705ER 5705EX

SC - CB01



Please note the E Bay compatibility list is only a guide is not always accurate. Unless you are 100% sure the item fits your vehicle please contact us prior to purchase for us to check compatibility.


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We accept returns up to 30days of purchase , It is your responsibility to return the item , unless the item has been damaged or has been advertised incorrectly. If the item simply does not fit and you haven't checked compatibility WITH US is also your responsibility to return the item .So please always check compatibility before purchase. It isn't our responsibility if the item is lost in transit when you return it so please make sure you send it by recorded post and keep proof of the return.
If you have purchased an item without first checking compatibility with us and you wish to return it then we reserve the right to charge our original postage costs. Please note the item MUST be returned in the same condition as it was shipped, any signs of finger marks, damage or scratches will void the return and no refund will be given.