GROUNDED ROOTZ Tea Bath is made with fresh organic ingredients and never expired. Each 15 oz to 29.75 comes with a muslin tea bag for easy clean just simply add 1/3 -1 cup in bag then close bag and toss into running how water. let it seat for 5 minutes and relax. Our products comes with 4 different organic whole made ingredients your mind and body needs such as:   ORGANIC VANILLA LAVENDER, ORGANIC ORANGE CHAMOMILE, ORGANIC BERRY HIBISCUS, ORGANIC LEMON ROSEMARY. For more products and fragrances please check out GROUNDED ROOTZ website at Check out the website for buy 2 get one free on products. Subscribe to the website and receive free gifts and discounts off of products. Below is the list of ingredient for each fragrances:

Organic vanilla lavender :This luxury bath tea is made with pure organic vanilla bean and organic Lavender buds, organic lavender essential oil, Jojoba oil, Grapeseed oil, and Vitamin E, The benefits are of Lavender reduces redness and soothes the skin. Lavender used mentally can bring the mind to a calm state due to it containing linalool. Vanilla bean reduces redness and fine lines and wrinkles.

Organic orange chamomile:Grounded Rootz - Orange  Chamomile is a gentle way of calming the mind and skin. Especially if one is restless. orange peel and Orange essential oil can uplift and brighten mood and skin. This scent has sweet Organic high notes orange and fresh light notes of chamomile and hints of lemon. This product is packed with skin nutrients from organic whole chamomile, organic  orange peel, organic dried chamomile, Organic Orange essential oil, organic lemongrass essential oil, organic Hempseed oil, organic jojoba oil, Magnesium sulfate,

Organic Berry Hibiscus : contains 2 powerful types of berries packed with powerful antioxidants great for the skin. This antioxidant is called ellagic acid. when used on the skin can decrease wrinkles and other signs of skin aging problems. Hibiscus; on the other hand, can increase the skin's ability to fight off acne, psoriasis, and eczema, Hibiscus is rich in vitamin c as well. 
Ingredients in this packed antioxidants Tea bath are Organic hibiscus, organic rosehip, organic elderberries, organic BlackBerry, organic Rose petals, organic jojoba oil, organic sunflower oil, Magnesium Sulfate

Organic Lemon Rosemary:This luxury Organic Lemon Rosemary is made with the finest organic ingredients like organic whole rosemary, Organic Lemongrass, Organic Lemon oil, Organic Lemon peel, Organic grass essential oil, Organic Hempseed Oil, Organic jojoba oil, Magnesium sulfate ( Epsom salt),
The benefits of lemon are truly amazing! Lemon and Rosemary are powerful skin cleansers, Lemon can brighten skin and lift one's energy and mood. Rosemary on the other hand contains a powerful antioxidant that can diminish the skin-damaging effects of free radicals. Rosemary used spiritual can symbolize remembrance and may help cleanse and purify.