Live Pawsitively Salmon Food Topper is made with 100% freeze dried Alaskan Salmon. Made in USA, 6oz, Grain Free food topper. Our food topper can be added dry to your pets food or add a little water for more taste and a Salmon gravy texture. Our Food topper is designed for dogs and cats of all breeds and ages.  Our Food topper is easy to use and only a little bit is needed to entice even the pickiest of eaters!.
Our Salmon boost is not only an appetite stimulant but is also a wonderful protein boost which is an essential nutrient to help build lean muscle mass and increase your pets metabolism.
Freeze dried Alaskan Salmon is rich in omega-3, Omega-3 is wonderful for pets to increase their skin & coat health, their cognitive function and their heart health by providing a healthy source of LDL.  Adding a Live Pawsitively Salmon food boost helps promote a healthy immune system, improve you pet's fur, skin, digestion and energy levels. We offer 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. We stand behind all products and value our customers satisfaction on every order.
Directions for use: Just sprinkle the powder on to your pets food as much as you desire.